Carbon Credits

Carbon Credits

Carbon credits and carbon audits / verification.
Organizations as well as Individuals across the world are recognizing the importance of reducing their GHG emissions. Hence they try to reduce their carbon footprints through energy efficiency and other measures. But very often it is not possible for them to meet their targets or eliminate their carbon footprint, with internal reductions alone, and they need a flexible mechanism to achieve these aspirational goals. This is where carbon markets gain importance.
Through carbon markets, Organizations as well as Individuals can neutralize or offset their emissions by investing in emissions avoidance / reductions / in projects that remove carbon from the atmosphere. They can also pay other companies who have excess carbon allowance in their carbon budget.
Carbon credits are typically priced and calculated in terms of how many dollars it costs to reduce the amount of carbon (or other greenhouse gases) in the environment by a tonne. Every tonne of emissions reduced by an environmental project creates one carbon offset or carbon credit.
Verified emission reductions (VERs) also known as carbon offsets, carbon credits, or carbon offset credits are essentially emission reductions from an offset project that’s independently audited against a third-party verification standard.
Our activities would involve everything, right from Consultancy, preparing the necessary documentation and getting it verified through an approved / authorised agency from the registry to facilitate the sale or trade of carbon credits in the carbon market. PMC has been approved as a globally recognized and authorized Consultant by the UCR Registry for conducting such consultancy projects for facilitating verification of carbon credits.
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